Estimation of Changes to Annotated Functions Depending on Snapshot Size

Data to estimate the amount of changes to annotated functions from one snapshot to the next, depending on snapshot size.

Commands Used

For instance:

[me@mymachine: ~/src/skunk/snapshotsize-050]
$ --all openldap > \
>  results/openldap/changed*functions.csv
cd ../snapshotsize-100
[me@mymachine: ~/src/skunk/snapshotsize-100]
$ --all openldap > \
>  results/openldap/changed*functions.csv
[me@mymachine: ~/src/skunk/snapshotsize-400]
$ --all openldap > \
>  results/openldap/changed*functions.csv
cd ..
$ for d in snapshotsize-*; do
>   echo "*** $d ***";
>   csvstat $d/results/openldap/changed_functions.csv;
> done|g -F -e '***' -e FUNC -e Mean -e Median  |\
>   sed 's/^[[:space:]]*[0-9]\{1,2\}\./*/'

Results for Annotated Functions

Column Explanation

Metrics about number of annotated functions existing in both snapshots whose annotation metric changed:

Changes expressed as percentages:

Percentage of annotated functions that …

  1. underwent at least one commit,
  2. exist in both snapshots
  3. whose annotation metric changed.

50 Commits

Data in CSV format

100 Commits

Data in CSV format

200 Commits

Data in CSV format

400 Commits

Data in CSV format

Results for All Functions

Changes expressed as percentages:

50 Commits

Data in CSV format

100 Commits

Data in CSV format

200 Commits

Data in CSV format

400 Commits

Data in CSV format